
If you want to contribute to this project, please feel free to go ahead.

Some areas of contribution I’m looking for:

  1. Solving the getJsResponse async problem as listed in Implementation Details.
  2. Feature completeness. There are a lot of methods and signals that have not yet been created. If you need to use any of them and are looking to add them, it is a fairly straightforward process, and all help would be appreciated. It might also be an interesting project to autogenerate all the code… I have no idea how one could go about doing that, but I believe it might be possible
  3. API documentation. Sphinx-apidoc doesn’t seem to be able to do what I need. It treats all methods, attributes and pyqtSignals as equal. I would like to see if its possible to figure out an approach that is able to separate the signals and make a separate list of them.

Any other contributions, in terms of bug reports, feature requests and anything else are appreciated as well.